Sunday I went to my first Comic Convention. I am not really a comic fanatic, I have been to some comic shops but not really for the comics. Last Christmas I ventured into a comic shop to buy some gifts for my son and found myself completely overwhelmed at the sheer number of comics there were. All organized in drawers wrapped in plastic. I ended up purchasing a Doctor Who comic for my son because I know he really loves Doctor Who and was amazed to find a comic based on the series. I also purchased World of Warcraft: Death Knight for him. He seemed to enjoy it.
So here I am at the Comic Convention this past Sunday, kicking myself for not snapping a pic with my phone to capture the moment , but I digress. Again I was completely overwhelmed at the amount of comics there were. So many tables with comic and collectables on display. Everything from old stuff to new, sports and sci-fi and everything in between it seemed *lol*
A Scott Pilgrim t-shirt caught my eye and I just had to buy it. My son loves, loves, loves Scott Pilgrim. Can a teenage boy ever have enough graphic tees? I thought to myself. So I gave in and bought him the Scott Pilgrim tee and for good measure a Yoda with sunglasses as well. If I had more money on me I probably would have snagged a couple for me as well.
My son absolutely LOVED them. I have never seen him that excited about clothes before. Must remember to record these reactions to play back at his wedding like any good mom would do *lol* To my surprise he was more excited over the Yoda tee then Scott Pilgrim. This is how it went down:
Me: “Gotcha some t-shirts” handed them to him folded so he couldn’t see the fronts
The Boy: “More shirts?” giving me “the look” with almost an eye roll
Me: “Yup” trying to hide my smile and restraining myself from jumping up and down in excitement
The Boy: “Sweet” when seeing the Scott Pilgrim tee “OMG I AM SO WEARING THIS TOMORROW” when seeing the Yoda in shades tee.
Me: “So you like them
The Boy: “YEA, Thanks Mom” while holding the yoda tee up to his chest.
I think I am getting this buying clothes for boys thing down. Only took me 12 years lol.
As a result of the Comic Con I ended up missing my pharmacy and wasn’t able to pick up my meds, I figured it is only one dose it couldn’t be that bad, could it? Oh boy was I wrong. I felt like my skin was crawling and I was so irritable. The morning went without incident. I even ate lunch with hubby for the first time in weeks. Walking back to my building after lunch though I saw hubby out on the phone (most likely with hobag from Texas) and something in me snapped, ended up giving him the finger and then stalking into work, I sent him a text telling him I was tired of the crap and he needed to get the hell out of the house if he wanted her and didn’t want me anymore and to let me move on. Then I started crying and could not stop. Ended up having to leave early and go home. I cried for 2 hours straight, unable to stop.
It felt like three to four months of emotions came pouring out. My therapist did say most women in my situation would be going through boxes of tissues per session but I barely shed a tear. I have had emotions yes, just not the sobbing. This medication I am on is amazing. I am no longer completely controlled by my emotions and anxiety. This experience taught me that I definitely need to be on medication and I can NEVER miss a dose again. It did feel good to have a good cry though. I am in a better head space now, whether that is from the good cry or being back on my medication I don’t know *lol*
I have also been trying to spend a lot of time out of the house. My therapist said I need to get out and be with friends, make new friends and just get out of the house because it really seems to be killing me with the situation going on between my husband and I. So Tuesday I headed to visit an old high school friend. Wasn’t for very long but just getting out of the house for that little bit recharged me.
Wednesday I ended up just heading out and about. I went to Tim Horton’s and got myself an XL Chai tea (my newest fave hot drink) and a yummy Pumpkin Spice muffin. As I was leaving I ran into a co-worker and had a little chat and then headed to the library. It has been so long since I have been to the library. I used to spend all my time there when I was a teenager. It was my haven, I found comfort in the books. The smell of the books, the quiet and the discovery. I could spend hours upon hours in the library and never get bored. I might have to resurrect these evenings.
Things have definitely changed, especially seeing as I went with a list of books I was interested in getting but didn’t end up leaving with any of them because they were not at that branch and I would have to order them or they were on hold till I am 40 so looks like I will have to buy them if I ever want to read them *lol*
Thursday I decided to stay home seeing as I was out most of the week and I am not used to it and wanted to spend some time with The Boy and doing some cleaning. Ended up going through 6 boxes from my basement and purged a bag of garbage as a result. Found so many things for crafting, as well. I am so excited to get everything organized so I can figure out what I have and what I need and get started on some of the ideas I came up with last night. If I am manage to remember I will snap pics for some tutorials and post them.
Think I will continue this purging for the next few days and see what else I can discover.
Hugs and Kisses from the Madhouse
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