So Friday night I had fallen asleep after work and didn’t wake up till about about 1am when a friend messaged me on MSN and woke me up. I guess I needed the sleep *sigh* Of course I then couldn’t go back to sleep so I came down and blogged and started looking up steampunk and crafty things online and before I realized it, 7:30am rolled around and my son came thumping down the stairs trying to scare the cat. I swear the two of them make me want to pull my hair out sometimes *lol*
So I had heard at work on Friday that there was going to be a free movie day at the Cineplex Odeon theatres across the country so naturally I had to look and see what was playing. The whole thing was for the first Community Day in support of the Starlight Foundation. The movie was free and most concessions were $2. Since The Boy was up and I was still not tired we decided to head off to see Green Lantern. The husband tagged along as well since he woke up too and naturally anything free is good in his books. So off to the theatre we went. The Boy was more interested in Cats and Dogs 2 but grudgingly went to Green Lantern since it is something that should be see in the big screen.
The husband was even kind enough to pay for the concessions which is only fair seeing as I am paying for everything else it seems (that’s a whole other bitch fest) We ate like kings and it went to a good cause, which is awesome.
On the way out of the theatre though I HAD to stop and pick up Zoodoo friend from one of the vending machines. They are the cutest little things and I must try making them myself so I can have a variety of them since they are a little steep for a vending machine. Remember when vending machines used to be 25 cents instead of a dollar or four. *shakes head* OMG I sound like my mother, *runs and hides*
So I waited with anticipation of a child on Christmas morning waiting to see which one I would end up with. I opened the flap and discovered a voodoo friend that I quickly named Willow Smith. It had a long braid hanging in it’s face and my son started singing “I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth”. It seemed fitting. So both of us agreed Willow Smith it was and off to add to the Britney Spears one I got in the summer.
Naturally I must have these stars greet my guests when they arrive
So I have Breakdown Britney and Whip it Willow hanging from my welcome sign.
In celebration to our new addition The Boy and I turned up the radio and had a random dance session. It is amazing what a session of random dancing can do to relieve stress, no wonder they do it so often on iCarly.
Naturally “The Husband” thinks we are both mental but if you can’t let loose on occasion what is the point of life?
I found a picture quote on my cousin’s Facebook page today that really spoke to me so I thought I would share it. I seem to be living through quotes lately but some of them are really helpful to just letting go of your worries and just live life. Not sure where it originated, but wanted to share in case it helps someone else struggling with letting go with the past mistakes.
Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend. Off to see my family doctor tomorrow for my annual physical. Yes I know all you ladies are flinching right now because you feel my pain, or rather, discomfort. Tomorrow is another day. Toodles my darlings.
Hugs and Smoochies from the Madhouse
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