Wanted to wish you all a very happy and safe Halloween. May you all have a spooky evening and the Great Pumpkin finally makes an appearance. ^.~
Howls and Screams from the Madhouse
Someday everything will all make perfect sense,
So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.
Hugs and Smoochies from the Madhouse
Me: "Why aren't you going to school?"So now I am paying him to go to school, only a $1 day but if he misses a day without my knowledge he forfeits the money for the week (the last part was his idea and I wasn't going to argue). I am sure there are some parents out there ready to tar and feather me over this but the way I see it is school is their job just like I have to go to work every day. This also teaches him responsibility for when he finally does come to the age where he is working. I find too many young people have no work ethic.
The Boy: "Because"
Me: "that is not an acceptable answer, now why aren't you going to school"
The Boy: "We aren't learning anything new and school is for learning so why should I go if I am not going to learn anything new"
Me: dumbfounded expression, because how do you argue with that? The kid has a point to a certian extent. I hate when he does stuff like that.