A little place to share the mayhem which is my life. Welcome to the madhouse, please enjoy your stay :D

Monday, October 14, 2013

Obsessed With Making Hats.

Recently I have gotten the urge to knit. Possibly due to the cooler weather. *lol* 

I recently started talking to a guy whom I found out likes both Firefly and Doctor Who. I did a little squee dance with this info and decided I was going to knit him a Jayne Hat. Those of you that love Firefly will immediately know what I am referring to, those of you who don't know can find out Here. 

So all excited I went on a search of the interwebs to track down a pattern to use. Needless to say I was dizzy with the results found and ended up basically having to create one using trial and error. I had a basic hat pattern but not the size of yarn or needle size required to make said hat, so I proceeded to alter the pattern using maths. Long story short I ended up with a hat that was more sized for a small child than an adult male. What to do? Well send it to a friend for her son for Halloween, of course. 

This little beauty will hopefully make a very adorable little boy, very happy, as well as his geek girl mama. 

Sent that hat off and realized I had to start another one so back to the drawing board I went. Managed to actually make the proper size around and went on my merry way. I got to the yellow part and realized that I didn't have enough of it to finish off the hat *FUDGE* so off to the store I went a couple of days later looking for something similar. Figuring it being fall there would be lots of yellows to choose from. Not so. Everything was either too dark or too bright and pastel. Which would not work with the hat. I did manage to find something very similar to the colour I had and bought it. I had been to several stores already at this point to find something. Thankfully there isn't that much of the hat that needed to be done in the other colour. 

So this is the beauty I ended up with. Not bad, seeing as it is the second hat that I have knit that wasn't infant sized. 

For the next hat I make I am going to make the flaps a tad smaller. Still very happy with how it turned out. Hope my friend likes it. 

And of course I couldn't stop there. I have been bitten by the knitting bug and wanted to knit some more. I was surprised once I had the proper size figured out, how easy and quickly I could knit up a hat. I went into my yarn stash and looked for inspiration. Imagine my glee when I discovered blue yarn, very similar in colour to the TARDIS from Doctor Who. Well that got the juices flowing and I decided to knit up a Doctor Who hat. So I ended up with this little beauty. 

It isn't exactly the way I had envisioned it. Think I might embroider some window bars on it. Or possibly knit another hat so I can have the Police Box embroidered on it. A girl can never have enough hats, can she? 

The teen has put in a request for a hat. He doesn't want to have a Jayne hat or a TARDIS hat, though. Thinking on finding some green yarn and making him a creeper hat. :) 

I wear a hat now...Hats are cool!

Hugs and Smoochies from the Madhouse

<3 Arawynn <3

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