A little place to share the mayhem which is my life. Welcome to the madhouse, please enjoy your stay :D

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Stencilling We Will Go....

"The Teen" is really into gaming and geekery and being on a pretty tight budget this past Christmas I was trying to come up with some cool gift ideas for him. I have seen all these wonderful licensed tees for things he is interested in but the price tag for said tees are way out of my price range so I turned to the net and found some different sites on making your own t-shirts. Didn't look too hard to do and I am a fairly crafty person. I needed to buy some supplies but I was able to make three t-shirts and a hoodie for the price of 1-2 of the licensed tees in the stores. 

I made stencils by printing some pics off the internet and tracing them on plastic sheets I had floating around the house. Using a craft knife I cut out all the pieces that I wanted to have paint on the tees and after cramping my hand, more than a few times while cutting them all out, I started to paint. 

I went the fabric medium for acrylic paint route then purchasing straight fabric paint. More variety that way. Fabric paint doesn't seem to have much selection compared to acrylic paint. I made use of coupons when buying craft supplies with helped out greatly with the cost. 

It took me about 2 days total to complete all 4 items. I had to wash all the items prior to stencilling, then stencilling time, drying time and rewashing, so definitely consider this if making more than one at a time. I made them while watching Christmas movies so the time went pretty quickly. I had a blast once I got into it. I had to send "the teen" off to his Dad's to make sure I wouldn't be interrupted while I was making them. Nothing worse than trying to make something for someone and them walking in on you when you have everything out. 

This is what I ended up with: 

Creeper from Minecraft

Assassin's Creed shirt. I made two stencils for this, this one is my fave one.

Doctor Who Logo

The teen giving his best Ezio impression while wearing his Assassin's Creed Hoodie

I am pretty proud of the results. "The teen" was pretty impressed with all of them. Heard a lot of "Sweet" and "Cool" when he was opening them. Best part is they are made with love which you just don't get from shirts bought in a store. 

Downside to this is that now I want to stencil everything I own. This could be trouble *lol* 

Happy stencilling and of course Hugs and Smoochies.

<3 Arawynn <3

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