I have the scented candles in cinnamon and some pine as well. But the smell of oranges and cloves has always been something that sends me back. So I was bored the other evening while waiting for supper to cook so I decided to get my craft on and do something to make the house smell yummy. I had discovered a couple of bottles of whole cloves (which I had bought a while back with this project in mind and never actually got around to actually doing it for whatever madness came up to distract me) in my spice cupboard when I was going through it and we have a crate of tiny oranges so the light bulb went off over my head.
So this is my attempt at a Pomander. It is my first attempt and may not be the prettiest thing but I haven’t had a chance to add ribbon as of yet to hang it up (it is hidden somewhere in my multitudes of craft supplies *sigh* ) but it does it’s job because it smells Heavenly to me. “The teen” wasn’t overly fond of it at first, he said it looked disturbing. He had actually covered it up with a piece of paper towel because he said he couldn’t look at it *lol*
He doesn’t understand it but he seems ok with it now. Still thinks it looks disturbing though. I thought boys loved disturbing looking things *lol*, but I digress. On to the pics and instructions, in case you wish to try out this lovely little project.
Start with an orange and some whole cloves.
Then start pushing the cloves into the orange in a pattern. I chose to work in sections and then fill in later on. So I started with four lines around the orange in a pie shape and then placed cloves in between those lines and working till there was no spaces left.
This is the finished product below. It smells lovely and has definitely lifted my spirits and put me in the Christmas mood. Hope you can fill your homes with this lovely holiday scent as well.
Now I am off to make myself a Chai tea, which I call “Christmas in a cup”, and wake up “the teen” so we can have a fun day together watching movies and having fun and enjoying this wonderful day.
Remember to keep happy holiday thoughts in your heads today as you head out to brave the insanity that is the stores today for some last minute shopping. Good luck and God bless.
Hugs and Smoochies from the Madhouse.
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