Or maybe I do? Hmmmm………..
So my last blog post had to do with my week off from the Husband. I survived the week and I am pretty proud of myself. It did make me spend some time thinking. Maybe I can do the alone thing. It is nice to have someone else in the house sometimes though. But it was nice not to have to put up with his bs either.
So last week, my camera and I got to know each other a little better. I also played around with some hair styles and makeup and whatnot. I felt pretty good last week and wanted to make the most of it before the feeling passed. Such is the life of a severely depressed person. I have been meaning to ask my doctor if I could possibly be Bipolar. Since I have extreme mood swings. When I am up, I am really up and when I am down, I am really down. It is rare for me to be in the middle for any length of time. I also can swing from one to the other in a moment. Must make a note to ask he thoughts.
Anyway on to more of last week. I decided to take some self portraits of myself and fiddle with my photos in my editing programs. “The Boy” was very happy I wasn’t pointing the camera in his direction this time. *lol* He used to love having his picture taken but now I usually get half his head as he ducks or his palm in the camera lens. Teenagers *shakes my head* but I digress. I took some really nice pics of myself. I hadn’t done a self portrait shoot in a long while. Simply because I wasn’t feeling up to photographing myself. But I felt it was needed to lift my mood and lift it, it did. I felt 100% better afterward which is always a bonus.
Here is my favorite photo from my self portrait session.
People at work were very surprised to see me come in with a huge flower and leaves in my hair. I was channeling my inner faerie that day and needed to let it out in some way ^.^
I was going through my zillions of photos on my computer looking for photos of my son for a photo montage of him for his big birthday milestone and came across some photos of me from a few Thanksgivings ago and I had an idea. I didn’t really like the picture how it was originally, mostly because it was taken in a mirror and was out of focus. But I decided to work with it and make it into something artsy.
Here is the before photo.
And the after photo
Basically I had flipped the photo so that the camera writing was readable, this was to correct the writing on the camera. I realized I like my hair parted on the other side though >.< I then cropped the photo down to cut out the excess background that I didn’t want in the photo since it really is ugly looking *lol* I used the clarity button on my PSP and then using one of my many filters I neutralized the colours and then applied another filter to give it the aged colouring. I know not very detailed instructions, I must pay closer attention to what I use next time to give a better description for those that wish to try something like this.
I love how the picture came out. It is grainy but I think it gives the photo character. It also includes one of my passions, photography. ^.^
Another one of my loves is my kitty. The husband surprised “the boy” and I with this precious little furball the Christmas before last. She can be a handful but we love her to pieces. She is a typical cat, if you try and pay attention to her when she doesn’t want it then she lets you know it but when she wants you to know she wants your attention she let’s you know that too. I was perusing the craft blogs this past Saturday morning after waking up waaaaayyyy to early. She decided it was snuggle time and climbed up on my desk and into my arms and fell asleep. So I had to peruse the blogs one-handed. Naturally, I had to snap a photo.
Well it is getting late and I should retire to my lair for some beauty sleep. Thanks for looking and reading my ramblings. Until next time….
Hugs and Smoochies from the Madhouse.
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