A little place to share the mayhem which is my life. Welcome to the madhouse, please enjoy your stay :D

Thursday, September 12, 2013

No Means No!!!!!

Hey all. Hope you are all having a terrific week. I have been having a pretty decent week so far. I am feeling grateful for all that has been given to me and even for some of the not so great things that have been given to me. 

They say that everything happens for a reason. To find the good in every situation, even the bad ones and, insert any random cliched quote here, on and on. I have been making a conscience effort to try and be more positive since my marriage exploded. At times it has been very, very trying. I have been managing as best as I can which is all I can really expect. However; saying that, I do have to say it has been one crazy, trip when it comes to men and dating, or not dating. 

I am learning that there is a lesson to be learned in any situation, whether it be good or bad. This past month I have been doing a lot of soul searching, re-evaluating past relationships and looking at them in a different light, so to speak. Trying to change the thoughts from "I'm not/wasn't good enough" to "I am worthy". Seeing where I possibly went wrong and what was there to learn from the failed relationship. 

I won't go into all the gory details but I do have to say thank you to OC Casanova, who showed me that I should be proud of my geekiness. and that I need to work on my boundary settings and sticking with them. Thank you to Goth guy for helping me discover that I am not a casual fun kind of girl and I want a real relationship and not just friends with benefits. TO showed me that someone could want to just spend time with me without having the goal of getting in my pants. That I was worth spending time getting to know and showing me that I was beautiful and wonderful. I will be forever thankful for his friendship. I am thankful to Stittsville for showing me that I shouldn't live in the past and there are two sides to every story. 

A big thank you to my ex for showing me that I am stronger than he gave me credit for. I am capable of making decisions on my own and get things paid and the teen fed. He showed me how to appreciate what really matters and what doesn't. 

Now I come to the entire point of my post. I recently had a guy I know tell me that it is not his fault he can't keep his hands to himself when around me because I am too hot and he can't help himself. SAY WHAT?????? 

I saw red with this statement, trying to wrap my head around it. I felt like he was basically saying what rapists say about woman asking for it because of how they dressed. Even if a woman was walking around naked in front of a man, it did not mean he had the right to touch her or have sex with her because she was naked. It is called self control. It totally burns my buns when I hear comments like "She was asking for it because of how she dressed" or "she is a flirt and wanted it". Why should woman suffer because some men have no self control? Also some men seem to mistake politeness as an invitation for sex. Since when has politeness meant you wanted to sleep with a person? I have seriously had guys think this. It boggles the mind, I tells ya. 

NO MEANS NO! Period. 

He can't help himself because I am "too hot" Oh please. I have told him time and time again not to make advances toward me. Sometimes I wonder if he gets off on it. I have said No nicely, I have said No firmly, I have said No in down right hell b*tch style and he comes out with this "I'm too hot and he can't control himself around me" (insert eye roll here) I weep for humanity if this is male mentality. 

He didn't see what the big deal was, actually thought it was a compliment. To me it shows he has no respect for me as person. 

How would you react if someone told you that they couldn't help but try to manhandle you because you were too hot? 

I am not even sure where to begin with trying to figure out the lesson to be learned in this. I am sure in time it will come. For now I am content to be grateful for the lessons I have learned already and for the lessons I will learn in the future. 

Hugs and Smoochies, 
from the Madhouse 

<3 Arawynn <3 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Doctor Who Hair Sticks...

I have been bitten by the crafting bug lately and most of my ideas seem to be revolving around Doctor Who. I love Doctor Who. I remember being spooked by the Classic Doctor Who music when I was really young. I did watch the 8th Doctor in reruns when I was pregnant for my son and home alone all day. 

I really got into the series with it's reboot ( I know, I know there are many that don't view it as a reboot but as a continuation) and I have seen every episode several times since. I loved 10 and Rose and then Rory and Amy and The Doctor and River Song. I am so looking forward to the 50th Anniversary episode and seeing both Matt Smith and David Tennant  together in one episode. It should be epic. 

To get in the spirit and show my Whovian Pride. I decided to make something that I can wear. Nothing to drastic since I don't want to scare my co-workers more than I already have with my decorations. I decided to make some hair sticks to stick in my hair, when I am wearing it up. Best part is they can double as weapons if someone attacks. I am all for multi-purposed items. ^.~ 

I have already posted a somewhat how-to over on Cut Out & Keep. Feel free to head over and check it out, Here

Action Shot

View from the front

Up close and personal
Bow ties and Fezes are cool :) 

I am pretty proud of them. I hand painted both while I watched a Harry Potter marathon with "the teen" a couple of weekends ago. I am bad at actually getting things up and posted in a quick time frame. Usually because something in the madhouse distracts me. Like the sudden urge to paint chopsticks up so I can wear them in my hair :P  

My next plan is to make TARDIS curtains for "the teen's" room. They replaced our windows so I had to take down his old curtains and decided they needed to be updated. 

Other Doctor Who projects I have made are "the teen's" birthday cake last year. As shown here. Not my finest work, but still pretty cool. 

There will be more geekery crafts to come. Please check back often :) 

For now I must go do domestic things. Still wishing for my fairy godmother to come and take care of all the chores so I can go to the fancy dress ball. Someday....until then...

Hugs and Smoochies 

<3 Arawynn <3