Mmmmmmmmm, my mouth is watering just looking at that picture. Here is how you can make your own Nacho Madness.
Line a baking sheet with tin foil. Who really wants to scrape melted cheese off their baking sheets? Not I.
Put down a layer of tortilla chips. I used bite sized round chips for my nachos because I find them easier to deal with then huge chips.
Set the baking sheet aside and brown up some ground beef or whatever meat you wish to have. I have made them with ground sausage as well and they were delicious. For those Vegetarians out there you can omit the meat. Drain the ground beef and set aside.
Chop up some bell peppers and onions, I used a quarter of each bell pepper and half an onion. I usually use green peppers but the store was all out when I was shopping so I bought a package of red, yellow and orange sweet peppers to use instead. I usually try and use green onions but I didn’t have any on hand so I used just a regular cooking onion.
In the same pan that you browned the ground beef in saute half a can of mushrooms that have been diced. You can use fresh mushrooms as well but I was using what I had on hand.
Using a spoon, spread salsa over the layer of chips. I use medium salsa but you can use mild or hot. Depends on your taste and the heat you can handle.
Spread out the ground beef and the mushrooms over the salsa and chips.
Spread out the bell peppers and onions. I usually put diced jalapeno peppers on now but I was out so they were jalapeno less.
Sprinkle a layer of cheese. We love cheese so I use a lot. I use marble cheese. You could use any cheese you wish of course. I love to experiment with different flavours. Put the nachos in the middle rack of the oven at 375 degrees C until the cheese is melted. I like to put the broiler on for a few seconds to brown the cheese a little. If you do this make sure to keep an eye on them because they can burn very easily on Broil.
Fresh out of the oven but not quite done yet. I like to add fresh ground pepper and some sea salt before digging in.
I usually will put baking sheet on a towel or oven mitts on the table and we eat off of the pan. Less dishes to clean up that way. It is also more fun that way. The best part of these nachos is that you can change it up so you don’t get bored. Have fun with it and see what you can come up with. Enjoy.